An Independent Woman

Patricia Feager

"An independent woman never loses her determination to achieve all the joys and life riches, even if she wants flowers in her hair or a pair of funky shoes.

All she wants is love, a ridiculous, convenient; that happily ever after in that special place called home . . .."

In that special place called home

Home is where you feel the most comfortable.

The word nursing home implies sickness, pity, helplessness, dependence; something is wrong with me! Aging in place is more uplifting and healthy. Molding a home to fit one’s individual needs required patience, planning and practicality. Female "boomers" today are yesterday’s Women’s Libbers –they deserve their place in the sun, to feel the warmth of aging in place with style and grace.

An independent woman never loses her determination to achieve all the joys and life riches, even if she wants flowers in her hair or a pair of funky shoes. .All she wants is love, a ridiculous, convenient; that happily ever after in that special place called home . So aging-in-place hits home.

Women continue to update the landscape of the future.

No longer are women required to be tied around the waists with apron strings like many of their own moms or television mothers, such as June, on Leave it to Beaver, or the Donna Reeds of the world.

Women have knocked down the walls, glass ceilings and today some are even designing outdoor kitchens with grills for any member of their family to cook on and they are away from the free standing range in the indoor kitchen.

Home improvements have evolved with a woman’s needs in mind and aging-in-place gives a woman options. The perception of aging-in-place can and should have a positive outcome for women, not only aesthetically, but also how she is cared for by society.

Self-esteem never dies.

Pushing 65 reminds me that women continue to update the landscape of the future.

photo by Patricia Feager

A woman always has and always will desire to be stimulated by family, good friends, books, music, art, living plants, natural surroundings,

and bright shining faces.

How a woman feels about herself is important. That ugly word “nursing home,” should be banned. It’s no longer applicable.

Plants, herbs, fresh food and a healthy diet are a must! She needs to be able to get around easily in a dwelling where she can sit, sleep, cook, bathe and enjoy all the ergonomic comforts of home.

Crossing the Bridge at Home

If or when care becomes  necessary, her dwelling must be filled with motivation, love and care, top of the line medical equipment, soft lights and inspiration. Caregivers have to be screened and professional. The right meds must be organized, her body and clothes must be clean and she must be nurtured - 

Aging in Place has its next place- next to God.

Patricia Feager, MBA, GRI -


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R E T U R N   T O   T H E   F R O N T   P A G E
aging-in-place, age in place