Natural Neighborhoods
Pocket Communities  &  Housing Trends

Natural Neighborhoods Graphic Courtesy of Ross Chapin Architects

Take a look at the above picture of an emerging  community culture -  ecovillages, co-housing developments,  naturally occurring communities (NOC)  and in "old-timey" neighborhoods. Could be the next trend in  a design for  lifelong homes --and  "aging-in-place" ?  A culture of inter-generational community, a concept  originated long ago, it  is gaining popularity  and making a mark today.

Here we may see a nod to "the fair shake", equal status, and human asset management.

A survey from The Sage Companion Project  asks : What is your sense about  living in a community that embraces many age groups- an inter-generational community?

Would you prefer to live alone? Would you prefer to live with a group of people of your own age?

Would you prefer to live with people of the "boomer" generation, your children and your grandchildren? 

It seems that this is about a process of learning the practical art of STAYING POWER.

 Natural Neighborhoods  &  Neighborly Trends

small footprint

A New Vision of Aging

 Active Lifestyle


Research tells us that our connections with each other are as, or are even more important as we add on the decades. What is your choice?

Lifestyle & Home Choices

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Research -  Lifestyle Choices

Generation-conscious,sustainable communities can assure us that our neighbors hold a commitment to a relationship with one another. Do you like the idea of someone you know and care about looking in on you?  YES ___ NO ___

To date, our surveys here at The Sage Companion indicate the answer to that question is a resounding- "YES!"

Whether you call it co-housing or a collaborative opportunity, the theme is active participation in the design and operation of a neighborhood. Regardless of age, people get together to figure out how it looks and feels.

Natural neighborhoods are places and communities where residents can enjoy a particular quality of life.This may include renewable energy systems. It may feature creature comforts and quality of life components such as a cafe, a neighborhood organic market, a local artisan's shop. Perhaps the vision will include a bakery, office and live-work space just off the road, and a little further into the neighborhood small,yet elegant abodes. There can be a nod to universal design in single-family residences in a mixed-use development where sustainability and human-scale living take center stage.


The Sage Companion writers and research team enjoy learning about and sharing the notion of this state-of-the-art lifestyle. Sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, material selection and indoor air quality make sense.

It is exciting to think that older adults - baby boomers and the silent generation - actually are influencing an age-friendly trend.As we continue our research we are finding that being neighborly works well when Nature is included in the plan. As we continue our research, we will place links on this page . . .so please bookmark it and come back to visit soon.

Natural Neighborhoods: Eco-and Generation-Conscious

PLEASE do let us know if you are aware of Natural Neighborhoods: Eco- and Generation-Conscious in your neck of the woods! They must offer quality space and surroundings to people who choose to live there. 

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Natural Neighborhoods

 Some have called this an opportunity for collaboration in which residents of all ages actively participate in the design and operation of their own neighborhoods in an “organic” way that will benefit all concerned.


" Helpful starting points
for talking about
and designing
a functional and BEAUTIFUL
lifelong home."

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a Top 10 "aging-in-place"

 Focus on the  state-of-the-art elder : Do NOT to sit on the sidelines- at least not if you want to see your comfortable (at any age) dream home come true with  COLORFUL POSSIBILITIES FOR EVERYONE


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R E T U R N   T O   T H E   F R O N T   P A G E
aging-in-place, age in place